Tamz42O Application :)


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  1. Tecumseh

    User deleted

    I also know Tamz and honestly? He's the most active/beneficial player I have ever seen.
    He is not a random asslicker.
    He is not a random guy with 0 English skills.

    He is simply Tamz. The one guy you need in any squad.

    I truly believe that he will be beneficial to nS, I hope you can see that Axel.

    It's such a shame, how in 2014 - newfags are just going around making applications to experienced clans -

    - Tamz is not one of these newfags.

    It would be a grave mistake to deny him.

    But don't take my word for it! Go on! Join him on mumble and play some matches

    - you will no doubtfully agree.
26 replies since 15/11/2014, 15:52   747 views